Saturday, March 24, 2012

Will Moles Survive Global Warming ?

I don't know.

However, I do know, that they will fight it using their superior technology !

Welcome to another Invasion Of The Killer Moles blog post. This is your captain speaking, and I see clear waters.
These days, development is focused on the later part of the game, where you will take part in vehicle sequence(s). Now, saying later part, doesn't necessarily mean a lot, but it does mean that it comes after the first part, where you.. Do not, take part in any vehicle sequence(s).

Another way to re-purpose an otherwise unused family car.

For whatever weird reason (probably a situation like the one you find yourself in, in the game) your redneck friend has had the foresight to rebuild his parents old family car into - A technical. A two seater with a mounted machine gun.

The car, named Stella, will be your companion for a good chunk of the campaign. It might look like it's about to break-down(and sound like it too), but it is, so it's all good. Good luck with that.

Next up, I'm going to properly present another mole. It's the Attack Mole
Moles are not known for their creative naming

The Attack Mole, is a mole type, you're going to meet multiple times throughout the campaign. He's going to get in your way, and he is going to do it a lot. As one of the enemy types that directly inflict damage upon you, it's often recommended to get rid of him before you focus on moles that only affect you indirectly. One such as these, would be the Technician Mole - Of course - It depends on the scenario you might find yourself in throughout the game.

That's all for this time, so thank you for reading and make sure you post your thoughts below :)

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